Gambling – Going For Broke

Ever been in that self-destructive cycle of needing that win to make up for, and cover up all the stupid, mindless losses? Ever felt like you have to keep going?

You feel so sure that any minute now, you’ll get that big win you so desperately need and deserve. But it doesn’t happen. So you throw more money after bad. You still don’t win, so you try again and again, and again…

And you so deserve a bit of luck. Just for once, to have some money that you haven’t had to work your balls off for. That the tax man hasn’t already helped himself to. That the bills haven’t already wiped out. Some relief from the endless struggle to keep on top.

But it’s just an illusion. And sooner or later we’re forced back to reality and the consequences of having lost yet again…

When I started gambling, it seemed harmless enough, but I have to admit, over time it’s got more and more out of hand. When I stopped to think how the picture would look in another 10 years time, I felt physically sick. I imagined losing my house, my wife, my children, my job… Friends will have long left the scene…

I’m not making a mountain out of a mole hill. It’s what happens to people who don’t know how to stop online gambling or any sort of gambling, come to that. There was no reason to suppose my future would be any different. I was already out of control. My internet gambling addiction was a reality. I was on my way.

And that’s when I knew I had to do something about it.

Fortunately for me, a friend (yes, I’ve still got them) pointed me towards Sounds Positive’s website. And there I found their self-help Stop Gambling product. Sounds Positive, based in Henley on Thames, says that it uses NLP, EFT and hypnotherapy for gambling addiction and to help people help themselves. Well, I had nothing to lose, did I?

And I couldn’t believe the difference it made. I just don’t gamble any more. I really am a changed man. I shudder to think how much money I wasted. Nor will I take my family for granted again. What would have happened to them if I hadn’t got treatment for gambling? Doesn’t bear thinking about.

Looking at the information on Sounds Positive’s website started me looking at why we like to gamble so much and why for so many of us it becomes a destructive lifestyle we can’t control.

And I came to the conclusion that there was no point in beating myself up about what I’d done and what I couldn’t change. But I also realised that I could decide what happened next and that was a real turn-around for me and something I got from Stop Gambling.

Stop Gambling consists of 2 audio tracks and also written material (all instantly downloadable from the Sounds Positive website) which use hypnotherapy, EFT and NLP to help you create a new, healthy life. Sounds Positive’s technology does all the work for you. All you have to do is relax.

Now I get very angry at betting companies taking advantage of people like you and me. I lost a lot of money. But that’s all I lost, thank God. I’ve still got my family and my job.

You’ve got to look ahead and see what life you’re creating for yourself and those you love. And if you can’t stop on your own, then get Stop Gambling. Maybe, for you too, that’s all you need for a new future.

Top Financial Education Resources

A large number of people are finding it difficult to make it from paycheck to paycheck right now. The main problem is a deficiency in money skills. Lack of knowledge has led to debt, poor credit, and retirement shortages. Proper financial education and resources provided at a young age could have saved these people from the making the financial mistakes they are now paying for.There are many people scrambling for financial education resources to gain a little more insight on what they can do to get them out of the money troubles they are now experiencing. For our younger generation we can teach money skills to them before they fall into the traps that many people are experiencing today. Read on discover the financial education resources available to you and your family.How can I teach kids about money? What are the financial education resources available to me?1) It goes without saying the best place to get education about money is through organizations that specialize in this. Since kids do not learn about money and finances in school it is imperative that parents and educators refer families to professional financial literacy experts. Thee are many options when it comes to choosing a financial literacy class. When choosing a organization to work with make sure they not only are experts in the field but also teach kids about money in a way that the youth relate to and are inspired by. A professionally run class where students are encouraged to take action can get your kids excited about financial literacy, while a boring experience can have a negative effect on their financial outlook.2) Sure you can provide your children and students home study financial literacy resources. Financial literacy home study courses are now available as a tool to teach children and young adults about financial literacy. Don’t forget to make absolutely sure the information provided is practical and keeps your children’s interest.3) You could also hire a personal financial education consultant to help your children set up their money foundation. Although a personal financial literacy resource consultant can be expensive, the money your children save and make over their lifetime will make this an investment that delivers a solid return.4) There are other people that you can have your children consult with about their finances. Provide your child with real world resources like bankers, tax planners, financial advisors, and business professionals. This gives you children a real world perspective instead of just theory based education. There are tons of exceptional financial education resources available these days.Follow the simple steps listed above and you can ensure your children will be educated about money. With some simple and practical money lessons your child can enter the real world confident and able to make financial decisions by themselves.

How Can You Identify Your Target Market?

Let’s say that you are in the weight loss market. It’s a big market, worth some $60 billion per year and is very profitable for a lot of businesses. And that’s the problem. A lot of businesses are involved in this industry.You may have some great products and services but how do you get your business noticed in a crowded marketplace?Segment Your MarketRather than concentrating on a huge market, like weight loss, use a market segmentation system. This where you target your marketing to a smaller sized, specific segment of that large group. For example, your marketing initiatives and tactics are targeted to single women over 40 years old, or another more specific group.Your Customer AvatarTo establish your target market you need a very clear idea of your ideal customer. This potential customer is known as your customer avatar. How old are they, where do they live, what are their likes and dislikes? What are all of the characteristics that make that individual your dream customer.When you focus on a smaller sized target market rather than a general market, it is much easier to connect with an individual. Always remember you are marketing to one individual at a time, not a group. Target your marketing to a smaller subset of a larger group and your marketing efforts have a much better chance of giving you the results you want.Should You Ever Change Your Target Market?If your marketing efforts are not providing results, may need to change the focus or target market of your business.Sometimes, despite the fact that you have done a lot of research, you end up marketing to the wrong group of people. Your target market may not want to spend any money on your product and service and may just be looking for free advice. That’s when you need to refine your market and look for a segment of people who have expressed a serious interest in spending money.Analyze Your Marketing TacticsAnother situation could be that your target market is just fine, and you just need to change your strategy and marketing techniques. For example, your audience may not be responding to your social media messages but may be more responsive to email?At other times, if you’re not achieving the success you’re looking for after a lot of time and effort, it may be your target market that needs changing, and not your marketing itself.